Individual Rights to Corporations

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Name: Gilda Rubenstein

Title: Ending Corporate Rights as Individuals

Purpose and Summary (50 words or less): The purpose of this bill is to end the practice of granting individual rights to corporations. By definition, a corporation has limited liability under the law and is granted tax breaks that are not extended to individual citizens. If a corporation chooses to be considered as having the rights of individuals, then it should pay individual income tax and be stripped of any benefits corporations currently have under the law.


1. If a corporation chooses to be considered as having the rights of individuals, then it should pay individual income tax and be stripped of any benefits corporations currently have under the law. This would increase tax dollars collected by the government.
2. Eliminating the ability to make huge contributions to candidates should lead to more fair elections and level the playing field.
If a corporation does any business with the federal government, it should be required to provide the same level of insurance benefits to its employees based upon federal laws barring gender discrimination.

Details: The ability to make large political contributions without disclosure or the ability to choose which reproductive health benefits a corporation will offer its workforce based upon religious principles is absurd. A corporation does not have a religion, its owners, founders or Boards of Directors are entitled to their own beliefs but should not be allowed to force them upon their employees.
If a corporation does any business with the federal government, it should be required to provide the same level of insurance benefits to its employees based upon federal laws barring gender discrimination.


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